
Sources are plugins that allow to collect data from different origins.

The following sources plugins are included as part of Flowbber.


This source parses standard Cobertura XML files.

A Cobertura file describes the coverage of source code executed by tests. This files can be generated for several programming languages, including:

  • Python, by using pytest-cov or
  • Java, by using the original Cobertura tool.
  • C, by using GNU gcov to generate .gcno and .gcda coverage files, then processing the source tree with lcov to generate a which is finally converted to Cobertura using lcov_cobertura.
  • Go, by using gocov to convert a -coverprofile file and then processing the resulting coverage.json with gocov-xml.

Data collected:

    "files": {
        "my_source_code.c": {
            "total_statements": 40,
            "total_misses": 20,
            "line_rate": 0.5
        "another_source.c": {
            "total_statements": 40,
            "total_misses": 40,
            "line_rate": 0.0
    "total": {
        "total_statements": 80,
        "total_misses": 20,
        "line_rate": 0.75


pip3 install flowbber[cobertura]


type = "cobertura"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "coverage.xml"
    include = ["*"]
    exclude = []
    "sources": [
            "type": "cobertura",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "coverage.xml",
                "include": ["*"],
                "exclude": []


Path to the Cobertura coverage.xml file to be parsed.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to include.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default: ['*']

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
  • Secret: False


List of paths to files containing patterns of files to include.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

All unique patterns parsed from these files will be added to the ones defined in the include configuration option.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to exclude.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
  • Secret: False


List of paths to files containing patterns of files to exclude.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

All unique patterns parsed from these files will be added to the ones defined in the exclude configuration option.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


This sources let the user indicate static data to describe current pipeline.

Data collected:

Anything the user entered on the configuration


pip3 install flowbber[config]


type = "config"
id = "..."

    anydata = "...."
    "sources": [
            "type": "config",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "data": {
                    "anydata": "...."


Free off schema data.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'dict'
  • Secret: False


This source collects information about the system’s CPUs load.

Data collected:

    "num_cpus": 2,
    "system_load": 25.0,
    "per_cpu": [40.0, 10.0]


pip3 install flowbber[cpu]


type = "cpu"
id = "..."
    "sources": [
            "type": "cpu",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {}


This source collects environment variables.


This source can leak sensitive data. Please adjust include and exclude patterns accordingly.

By default include and exclude patterns are empty, so no data will be collected. See Usage below for examples.

Data collected:

    "pythonhashseed": 720667772


pip3 install flowbber[env]


Variables will be collected if the name of the variable match any item in the include list but DOES NOT match any item in the exclude list.

Variables names will be stored in lowercase if the lowercase option is set to true (the default).

Optionally, a type can be specified for each environment variable, so that it is parsed, interpreted and collected with the expected datatype.

type = "env"
id = "..."

    include = ["PYTHONHASHSEED"]
    exclude = []
    lowercase = true

    PYTHONHASHSEED = "integer"
    "sources": [
            "type": "env",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "include": [
                "exclude": [],
                "lowercase": true,
                "types": {
                    "PYTHONHASHSEED": "integer"

Filtering examples:

Collect all environment variables

    "include": ["*"],
    "exclude": []

Collect all except a few

    "include": ["*"],
    "exclude": ["*KEY*", "*SECRET*"]

Collect only the ones specified

    "include": ["PYTHONHASHSEED"],
    "exclude": []

Using with Jenkins CI

This source is very helpful to collect information from Jenkins CI:

type = "env"
id = "jenkins"

    include = [
    lowercase = false

    BUILD_NUMBER = "integer"
    BUILD_TIMESTAMP = "iso8601"


To parse the BUILD_TIMESTAMP variable as ISO 8601 the format needs to be set to ISO 8601. For more information visit:

    "sources": [
            "type": "env",
            "id": "jenkins",
            "config": {
                "include": [
                "lowercase": false,
                "types": {
                    "BUILD_NUMBER": "integer"


List of patterns of environment variables to include.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of environment variables to exclude.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Store variables names in lowercase.

  • Default: True

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


Specify the data type of the environment variables.

At the time of this writing, the types allowed are:

Using Python’s int() function.
Using Python’s float() function.
Using Python’s str() function.
Using Flowbber’s flowbber.utils.types.autocast().
Using Flowbber’s flowbber.utils.types.booleanize().
Using Flowbber’s flowbber.utils.iso8601.iso8601_to_datetime().
  • Default: None

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'dict',
        'keysrules': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
        'valuesrules': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
            'allowed': list(TYPE_PARSERS),
  • Secret: False


This source collects information from a (this) local git repository:

  • The repository root path.
  • The current branch.
  • The current revision hash.
  • The (a) tag pointing to the current revision.
  • Name of the author of the current revision.
  • Email of the author of the current revision.
  • Commit message subject of current revision.
  • Commit message body of current revision.
  • Commit date in strict ISO 8601 format.

The directory option can be used to specify a path to a local git repository to get information from. In particular, if your CI system created an out-of-repository build directory you can always get the context of the repository the pipeline definition file is commited to using:

type = "git"
id = "..."

    directory = "{git.root}"
    "sources": [
            "type": "git",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "directory": "{git.root}"

Data collected:

    "root": "/home/kuralabs/flowbber",
    "branch": "master",
    "rev": "9742e30",
    "tag": "2.0.0",
    "name": "The Author",
    "email": "",
    "subject": "Added a new Git source.",
    "body": "",
    "date": "2017-09-13T01:27:55-06:00"


pip3 install flowbber[git]


type = "git"
id = "..."

    directory = "."
    "sources": [
            "type": "git",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "directory": "."


Directory to run git from. This can be any subdirectory inside a git repository, not only the root.

  • Default: '.'

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


This source collects pull requests and issues statistics from a GitHub repository using the GitHub API v3. This source requires a personal access token, you can create one in your settings. No particular scope is required.

Data collected:

    "issue": {
        "closed": 1,
        "open": 2
    "pr": {
        "closed": 3,
        "open": 4


pip3 install flowbber[github]


type = "github"
id = "..."

    token = "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef"
    repository = "organization/repository"
    base_url = ""
    "sources": [
            "type": "github",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "token": "abcdefabcdefabcdefabcdef",
                "repository": "organization/repository",
                "base_url": ""


Personal access token to use to connect to the GitHub API. Keep this value safe and secret.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: True


Name of the repository to query for in the form organization/repository.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Base URL to connect to the GitHub v3 API.

For public GitHub, the default should be used. For private GitHub Enterprise instances use or similar.

  • Default:

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False

Google Test

This source parses the JUnit like results XML file generated by Google Test.

Data collected:

    "failures": 1,
    "disabled": 1,
    "errors": 1,
    "tests": 1,
    "time": 10.555,
    "timestamp": "2017-09-13T00:51:51",
    "properties": {
        "<propname1>": "<propvalue1>"
    "suites": {
        "<suitename1>": {
            "cases": {
                "<casename1>": {
                    "status": "<PASS|FAIL|SKIP>",
                    "time": 0.05,
                    "properties": {
                        "<propname1>": "<propvalue1>"
                "<casename2>": {
                    "status": "<PASS|FAIL|SKIP>",
                    "time": 0.05,
                    "properties": {
                        "<propname1>": "<propvalue1>"
            "properties": {
                "<propname1>": "<propvalue1>"
            "failures": 1,
            "passed": 1,
            "disabled": 1,
            "errors": 1,
            "tests": 1,
            "time": 0.456

In addition to the previous data structure, if status is FAIL an additional key failures will be available with a list of failures found:

    # ...
    'failures': [
        'Expected: 0\n'
        'To be equal to: 1',


pip3 install flowbber[gtest]


type = "gtest"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "tests.xml"
    "sources": [
            "type": "gtest",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "tests.xml"


Path to the JUnit like XML results tests.xml file to be parsed.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


This source fetch and parses a local or remote (http, https) json file.

Data collected:

Same as the source file


pip3 install flowbber[json]


type = "json"
id = "..."

    file_uri = "file://{pipeline.dir}/file.json"
    encoding = "utf-8"
    ordered = true
    verify_ssl = true
    extract = true
    "sources": [
            "type": "json",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "file_uri": "file://{pipeline.dir}/file.json",
                "encoding": "utf-8",
                "ordered": true,
                "verify_ssl": true,
                "extract": true


URI to the JSON file. If no schema is specified, file:// will be used.

Supported schemas:

  • file:// (the default): File system path to the JSON file.


    Or if using Substitutions:

  • http[s]://: URL to download the JSON file.
  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Encoding to use to decode the file.

  • Default: utf-8

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Parses the file in order and returns it as a py:class:collections.OrderedDict instead of an unordered dictionary.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean'
  • Secret: False


Enable or disable SSL verification. This option only applies if the https schema is used.

  • Default: True

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean'
  • Secret: False


Extract the JSON file from a Zip archive.

If using extraction, the .zip extension will be automatically appended to the file_uri filename parameter if not present.

It is expected that the file inside the archive matches the file_uri filename without the .zip extension. For example:

extract parameter file_uri parameter File loaded Expected file inside Zip
True xxx://archive.json xxx:// archive.json
True xxx:// xxx:// archive.json
  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


This source calls lcov on a specified directory to generate a tracefile or loads one directly, and process it with lcov_cobertura to create a standard Cobertura XML file, which in turn is then parsed using the flowbber Cobertura source.


This source requires the lcov executable to be available in your system to run.

Data collected:

    "files": {
        "my_source_code.c": {
            "total_statements": 40,
            "total_misses": 20,
            "branch_rate": 0.5,
            "total_hits": 8,
            "line_rate": 0.5
        "another_source.c": {
            "total_statements": 40,
            "total_misses": 40,
            "branch_rate": 0.5,
            "total_hits": 8,
            "line_rate": 0.0
    "total": {
        "total_statements": 80,
        "total_misses": 20,
        "line_rate": 0.75
    "tracefile": "<>"


pip3 install flowbber[lcov]


type = "lcov"
id = "..."

    source = "{pipeline.dir}"
    rc_overrides = ["lcov_branch_coverage=1"]
    remove = ["*hello2*"]
    remove_files = [
    extract = ["*hello1*"]
    extract_files = [
    derive_func_data = false
    "sources": [
            "type": "lcov",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "source": "{pipeline.dir}",
                "rc_overrides": ["lcov_branch_coverage=1"],
                "remove": ["*hello2*"]
                "remove_files": [
                "extract": ["*hello1*"],
                "extract_files": [
                "derive_func_data": false,


Path to the directory containing gcov’s .gcda files or path to a tracefile .info file.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False
  • Secret: False


Override lcov configuration file settings.

Elements should have the form SETTING=VALUE.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to remove from coverage computation.

Patterns will be interpreted as shell wild‐card patterns.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of paths to files containing patterns of files to remove from coverage computation.

Patterns will be interpreted as shell wild‐card patterns.

All unique patterns parsed from these files will be added to the ones defined in the remove configuration option.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to extract for coverage computation.

Use this option if you want to extract coverage data for only a particular set of files from a tracefile. Patterns will be interpreted as shell wild‐card patterns.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of paths to files containing patterns of files to extract for coverage computation.

Patterns will be interpreted as shell wild‐card patterns.

All unique patterns parsed from these files will be added to the ones defined in the extract configuration option.

  • Default: []

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
            'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Allow lcov to calculate function coverage data from line coverage data.

If True then the --derive-func-data option is used on the lcov commands. If False then the option is not used.

This option is used to collect function coverage data, even when this data is not provided by the installed gcov tool. Instead, lcov will use line coverage data and information about which lines belong to a function to derive function coverage.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


This source parses the JUnit like results XML file generated by pytest.

Data collected:

    "errors": 0,
    "failures": 2,
    "skips": 0,
    "tests": 4,
    "passed": 6,
    "time": 0.047,
    "suites": {
        "<suite_name>": {
            "errors": 0,
            "failures": 2,
            "skips": 0,
            "tests": 4,
            "time": 0.047,
            "cases": {
                "<classname>.<name>": {
                    "status": "<PASS|FAIL|ERROR|SKIP>",
                    "file": "test/",
                    "line": 19,
                    "classname": "test.test_file",
                    "name": "test_function",
                    "time": 0.0012459754943847656,
                    "properties": [
                        {"<propname1>": "<propvalue1>"},
                        {"<propname2>": "<propvalue2>"}


Most of the time the <suite_name> will be set to pytest, but do not hardwire your code to that value. It can be changed by changing your pytest.ini file:

In addition to the previous data structure, if status is FAIL, ERROR or SKIP an additional key failure, error or skipped will be available with information of the problem:

    # ...
    'error': {
        'code': (
            '    def dofail():\n'
            '>       raise RuntimeError()\n'
            'E       RuntimeError\n\ RuntimeError'
        'message': 'test setup failure',

The information object always have a message and a code key describing what the issue is and where it happened.


pip3 install flowbber[pytest]


type = "pytest"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "tests.xml"
    "sources": [
            "type": "pytest",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "tests.xml"


Path to the JUnit like XML results tests.xml file to be parsed.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


This source count source lines of code. It scans a directory for source code files, identify their language and count the number of code, comments and empty lines. It is highly tunable using include and exclude patterns as explained below. It is implemented on top of pygount, which is very accurate, but not the fastest. Benchmark on HUGE code bases.

Data collected:

    "sloc": {
        "html": {
            "string": 0,
            "empty": 59,
            "code": 129,
            "documentation": 7
        "python": {
            "string": 362,
            "empty": 1532,
            "code": 2262,
            "documentation": 4291
        "restructuredtext": {
            "string": 73,
            "empty": 619,
            "code": 1133,
            "documentation": 19
    "files": {
        "": "python",
        "lib/flowbber/": "python",
        "... more collected files ...": "<language detected>"


pip3 install flowbber[sloc]


type = "sloc"
id = "..."

    directory = "{git.root}"
    include = ["*"]
    exclude = []
    "sources": [
            "type": "sloc",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "directory": "{git.root}",
                "include": ["*"],
                "exclude": []


Root directory to search for files.

  • Default: '.'

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to include.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default: ['*']

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
  • Secret: False


List of patterns of files to exclude.

Matching is performed using Python’s fnmatch.

  • Default:

        '.tox', '.git', '.cache',
        '__pycache__', '**/__pycache__',
        '*.pyc', '*.egg-info'
  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'string',
  • Secret: False


This source collects the network bandwidth the system curretly has using servers.

Three metrics are collected:

  • ping: Latency, in milliseconds.
  • download: Download speed, in bits per second.
  • upload: Upload speed, in bits per second.

Data collected:

    "ping": 9.306252002716064,
    "download": 42762976.92544772,
    "upload": 19425388.307319913


pip3 install flowbber[speed]


type = "speed"
id = "..."

    runs = 2
    "sources": [
            "type": "speed",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "host": null,
                "runs": 2


Use a specific server.

  • Default: None

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
        'nullable': True,
  • Secret: False


Number of runs to perform.

  • Default: 2

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'schema': {
            'type': 'integer',
            'min': 1,
  • Secret: False


This source allows to collect timestamps in several formats.

It is recommended to include at least one timestamp source on every pipeline in order to have a unique and consistent timestamp for the whole pipeline to use.

Data collected:

    "timezone": null,
    "epoch": 1502852229,
    "epochf": 1502852229.427491,
    "iso8601": "2017-08-15T20:57:09",
    "strftime": "2017-08-15 20:57:09"
    "timezone": 0,
    "epoch": 1507841667,
    "epochf": 1507841667.9304831028,
    "iso8601": "2017-10-12T20:54:27+00:00",
    "strftime": "2017-10-12 20:54:27"


pip3 install flowbber[timestamp]


type = "timestamp"
id = "..."

    epoch = true
    epochf = true
    iso8601 = true
    strftime = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
    "sources": [
            "type": "timestamp",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "timezone": null,
                "epoch": true,
                "epochf": true,
                "iso8601": true,
                "strftime": "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"


Specify the timezone for which the timestamp should be calculated. If None is provided (the default), the timestamp will be calculated using the local timezone (current time). Use 0 for a UTC timestamp, and a +/-12 integer for any other timezone.

Note that this doesn’t affect the epoch or epochf timestamps, as those values are always in POSIX time which is the number of seconds since the Epoch (1970-01-01 UTC) not counting leap seconds.

  • Default: None

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

       'type': 'integer',
       'nullable': True,
       'max': 12,
       'min': -12,
  • Secret: False


Include seconds since the EPOCH, as integer.

  • Default: True

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


Include seconds since the EPOCH, as float.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


Include current time as a ISO 8601 string using the seconds time specification.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


Include a string timestamp using a custom format supported by Python’s strftime function.

For example: "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"

  • Default: None

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


This source allows to collect information about the current user.

Data collected:

    "uid": 1000,
    "user": "kuralabs"


pip3 install flowbber[user]


type = "user"
id = "..."
    "sources": [
            "type": "user",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {}

Valgrind DRD

This source parses and collects information from the XML generated by Valgrind’s DRD tool.

Such XML file can be generated with:

$ valgrind \
    --tool=drd \
    --gen-suppressions=all \
    --read-var-info=yes \
    --error-exitcode=1 \
    --xml=yes \
    --xml-file=drd.xml \

Data collected:


Sadly, Valgrind’s XML format doesn’t include a field with the total number of errors, just an array of which errors were found. A total_errors field is injected to allow the user to easily track the evolution of the amount of errors.

            "drd, a thread error detector",
            "Copyright (C) 2006-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Bart Van Assche.",
            "Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info",
            "Command: ./binary"
    "tool": "drd"
    "total_errors": 1,
            "what":"Conflicting load by thread 5 at 0x12cddc28 size 1"
            "auxwhat":"Location 0x12cd1c28 is 0 bytes inside thread_data[1].valid,"
                "text":"a global variable declared at hello_world.c:152"


pip3 install flowbber[valgrind_drd]


type = "valgrind_drd"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "drd.xml"
    "sources": [
            "type": "valgrind_drd",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "drd.xml"


Path to Valgrind’s DRD XML output.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False

Valgrind Helgrind

This source parses and collects information from the XML generated by Valgrind’s Helgrind tool.

Such XML file can be generated with:

$ valgrind \
    --tool=helgrind \
    --gen-suppressions=all \
    --read-var-info=yes \
    --error-exitcode=1 \
    --xml=yes \
    --xml-file=helgrind.xml \

Data collected:


Sadly, Valgrind’s XML format doesn’t include a field with the total number of errors, just an array of which errors were found. A total_errors field is injected to allow the user to easily track the evolution of the amount of errors.

            "Helgrind, a thread error detector",
            "Copyright (C) 2007-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by OpenWorks LLP et al.",
            "Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info",
            "Command: ./binary"
    "tool": "helgrind"
    "total_errors": 1,
                        "text":"Possible data race during write of size 1 at 0x12CD1C28 by thread #4",
            "auxwhat":"Location 0x12cd1c28 is 0 bytes inside thread_data[1].valid,"


pip3 install flowbber[valgrind_helgrind]


type = "valgrind_helgrind"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "helgrind.xml"
    "sources": [
            "type": "valgrind_helgrind",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "helgrind.xml"


Path to Valgrind’s Helgrind XML output.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False

Valgrind Memcheck

This source parses and collects information from the XML generated by Valgrind’s Memcheck tool.

Such XML file can be generated with:

$ valgrind \
    --tool=memcheck \
    --xml=yes \
    --xml-file=memcheck.xml \
    --leak-check=full \

Data collected:


Sadly, Valgrind’s XML format doesn’t include a field with the total number of errors, just an array of which errors were found. A total_errors field is injected to allow the user to easily track the evolution of the amount of errors.

            "Memcheck, a memory error detector",
            "Copyright (C) 2002-2015, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.",
            "Using Valgrind-3.11.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info",
            "Command: ./binary"
                "name":"reachable memory from libstdc++ pool",
    "total_errors": 1,
                "text":"8 bytes in 1 blocks are definitely lost in loss record 1 of 5",


pip3 install flowbber[valgrind_memcheck]


type = "valgrind_memcheck"
id = "..."

    xmlpath = "memcheck.xml"
    "sources": [
            "type": "valgrind_memcheck",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "xmlpath": "memcheck.xml"


Path to Valgrind’s Memcheck XML output.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False