========================== ``ninjecto.utils.iso8601`` ========================== .. automodule:: ninjecto.utils.iso8601 .. contents:: :local: .. currentmodule:: ninjecto.utils.iso8601 Functions ========= - :py:func:`iso8601_to_datetime`: Converts a date in the ISO8601 with timezone format to a datetime object - :py:func:`datetime_to_iso8601`: Converts a datetime object to a date string of the ISO8601 with timezone. .. autofunction:: iso8601_to_datetime .. autofunction:: datetime_to_iso8601 Classes ======= - :py:class:`DateTimeJSONEncoder`: Custom JSON enconder that converts any datetime object to a ISO 8601 .. autoclass:: DateTimeJSONEncoder :members: .. rubric:: Inheritance .. inheritance-diagram:: DateTimeJSONEncoder :parts: 1