SQL converter of the electoral registry published by the Costa Rican Supreme Electoral Tribunal.
Table of Contents
You require the Python packages installer for Python 3 pip3
, see:
Then, install the tse2sql
sudo pip3 install tse2sql
$ pip3 install tse2sql
$ tse2sql --help
usage: tse2sql [-h] [-v] [--version] [--renderer {mysql}] [archive]
SQL converter of the electoral registry published by the Costa Rican
Supreme Electoral Tribunal.
positional arguments:
archive URL or path to the voters database
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity level
--version show program's version number and exit
--renderer {mysql} SQL renderer to use
Where archive
can be left empty and the known URL where the voters database
is published will be used, currently:
A local path to a .zip
file can also be used to avoid download of the
database if it is already in the local system.
When run, tse2sql
will create a few files in the current working directory:
The SQL version of the database.
Analysis of the Distelec.txt
data. This JSON file
provides a dictionary with the amount of provinces, cantons and districts,
the largest name of those, and the bad lines found.
A fil with samples of voters ids for each district. This is the input file for the scrapper.
The whole process, downloading, extracting, parsing and writing the output
will take several minutes to finish. tse2sql
was optimized for memory
usage, so expect high CPU usage while writing the outputs.
tse2sql-scrapper --help
usage: tse2sql-scrapper [-h] [-v] [--version] [--renderer {mysql}] samples
TSE Voting Sites Scrapper
positional arguments:
samples Samples file with one id number per site id
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Increase verbosity level
--version show program's version number and exit
--renderer {mysql} SQL renderer to use
Some data isn’t published in CSV by the Supreme Electoral Tribunal:
Voting center names. There is one voting center per district AFAWK.
Voting centers addresses.
Geographical coordinates of the voting center.
Currently there is a web service available at:
That allows to grab this information as following:
curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"numeroCedula":"100763791"}' $WEB_SERVICE_ENDPOINT
This request will return the first two data as is and an url to Google Maps.
The tse2sql-scrapper
will parse that URL for the coordinates.
The schema of the database is as follows:
You will need a functional MySQL server install, see:
This database uses FULLTEXT INDEX
on a InnoDB engine, and thus, requires
at least MySQL v5.6. On Ubuntu Linux:
sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6
Load the database and create a user for it:
$ mysql -u root -p
mysql> SET @start := NOW(); source <DIGEST>.mysql.sql; SET @end := NOW(); SELECT TIMEDIFF(@end, @start);
mysql> SET @start := NOW(); source <DIGEST>.scrapped.mysql.sql; SET @end := NOW(); SELECT TIMEDIFF(@end, @start);
mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON tsesql.* TO 'tse2sql'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '<YOUR_PASSWORD>';
Sourcing the database will take several minutes. Once done you will most likely use the following query:
SELECT id_voter, name, family_name_1, family_name_2, sex, id_expiration,
name_province, name_canton, name_district, site, code,
voting_center_name, voting_center_address,
voting_center_latitude, voting_center_longitude
FROM voter
JOIN district ON voter.district_id_district = district.id_district
JOIN canton ON district.canton_id_canton = canton.id_canton
JOIN province ON canton.province_id_province = province.id_province
WHERE voter.id_voter = <id_voter>;
If you don’t have the voter id but you have the name you could use the following query (adding the + sign at the beginning of each word is important to get matching res):
SELECT id_voter, name, family_name_1, family_name_2, sex, id_expiration,
name_province, name_canton, name_district, site, code,
voting_center_name, voting_center_address,
voting_center_latitude, voting_center_longitude
FROM voter
JOIN district ON voter.district_id_district = district.id_district
JOIN canton ON district.canton_id_canton = canton.id_canton
JOIN province ON canton.province_id_province = province.id_province
WHERE MATCH(name, family_name_1, family_name_2)
AGAINST ('+<name> +<family_name_1> +<family_name_2>' IN BOOLEAN MODE);
To implement the full search, MySQL uses Boolean logic, in which
+ stands for AND
- stands for NOT
[no operator] implies OR
The minimum default token size in InnoDB is 3 characters and the indexing engine ignores words shorter than this minimum size. When the length of the token is less than 3 no operator should be added to get more accurate results.
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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.