
Data Splitter Sink

This sink creates files with certain information from the whole data collected. The user needs to specify what data he/she wants to extract, which unique id to use for each file, where the files will be stored and what format does he/she wants for the file.


This class inherits several inclusion and exclusion configuration options for filtering data before using it. See FilterSink Options for more information.


pip3 install flowbber[data_splitter]


type = "data_splitter"
id = "..."

    create_parents = true
    output = ".../hardware"
    id_selector = "hardware.suites.pytest.tests.*"
    data_selector = "hardware.suites.pytest.*"
    format = "str"
    "sinks": [
            "type": "data_splitter",
            "id": "...",
            "config": {
                "create_parents": true,
                "output": ".../hardware",
                "id_selector": "hardware.suites.pytest.tests.*",
                "data_selector": "hardware.suites.pytest.*"


Encoding to use to encode the file.

  • Default: utf-8

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Pattern to a path to where collected data files will be stored. The path should use the {{id}} replacement pattern to allow the sink to determine its final path using the IDs found.

For example:

path = "/tmp/myfiles/{{id}}/{{id}}.yaml"
  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Create output file parent directories if don’t exist.

  • Default: False

  • Optional: True

  • Schema:

        'type': 'boolean',
  • Secret: False


Selector is a pattern using fnmatch that matches branches in the data tree. The branches found will be used as ID for the filenames.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


Selector is a pattern using fnmatch that matches branches in the data tree. The branches found will be used as the data of the files.

  • Default: N/A

  • Optional: False

  • Schema:

        'type': 'list',
        'empty': False,
  • Secret: False


File format that will be used to store the data.

  • Default: json

  • Optional: true

  • Schema:

        'type': 'string',
        'empty': False,
        'allowed': ['yaml', 'json', 'toml', 'str']
  • Secret: False


  • DataSplitterSink: Common sink base class that adds several inclusion and exclusion
class flowbber.plugins.sinks.data_splitter.DataSplitterSink(index, type_, id_, optional=False, timeout=None, config=None)


Inheritance diagram of DataSplitterSink